The Circle of Light Photo Project is a collection of photographs taken by people whose sight was restored through cornea transplants. The project educates the public about the impact eye tissue donation has on the lives of those in our communities.
Cornea transplant recipients show the world the things they can now see by participating in this important project.
Starting in 2024, the Circle of Light Photo Project traveling exhibit was featured at the Denver International Airport, various local libraries across Colorado and Wyoming, several key medical partners such as Northern Colorado Medical Center, Banner Wyoming Medical Center and UCHealth Sue Anschutz-Rodgers Eye Center and even select photos featured statewide in all Wyoming Driver Services offices. We're very excited to share the recipients' gratitude for restored sight through their photos with our communities! View all the Circle of Light Photo Project exhibit locations happening now through fall 2025.
Due to popular demand, the current 2024-25 exhibit has been extended through September 2025! If you are interested in hosting the Circle of Light Photo Project 2024-25 exhibit, please connect with us at
All cornea transplant recipients can submit photos year-round.
Selections have been made for the 2024-2025 exhibit, and photographers have been notified.
The next round of photo submissions will be accepted in late 2024 through January 2026.
That's entirely up to you. We suggest you look around for the things you had trouble seeing or doing before your transplant. Maybe you already have a favorite photo you took after your transplant. If not, we suggest going on a walk through a park or your neighborhood and looking for details in the everyday things you see. Close-ups and landscapes all work. We've had everything from traffic to food, to vacations. Be creative! View past photo submissions.
Selected photos will be showcased in a traveling exhibit in 2024-2025; dates and locations can be viewed here.
Exhibit at Denver International Airport, Concourse A (Y-juncture) was on display September 2024 through February 2025.
If you know a location in Colorado or Wyoming that is interested in hosting the exhibit, please contact us.
We are not posting photos for sale at this time.
Please select your top photos and submit a maximum of no more than 5 photos.