The executive director is responsible for the total operations of the eye bank and reports to a voluntary Board of Directors.
The accounting team oversees employee benefits, payroll, accounts payable and accounts receivable.
The Community and Professional Relations Department develops and maintains relationships with partners RMLEB depends upon for a successful eye donation program, including hospitals, hospices, coroners, and funeral homes. The team also coordinates and oversees community awareness activities and events, volunteers, financial contributions, publications, media relations, and social media.
Quality Assurance ensures RMLEB is in compliance with government and industry standards and is following all regulatory and quality requirements. The team is responsible for regulatory reporting, filings, and registrations related to transplant and product development.
The technical department medically screens potential eye donors, communicates with donor families, and coordinates the logistics of eye tissue recovery. The team also evaluates the eye tissue and reviews the donor’s medical records in a short timeframe to determine tissue suitability. The release and distribution of tissue is also coordinated and performed by our technical team. The technical team is staffed and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to fulfill the wishes of eye donors and their families.
RMLEB's medical directors oversee and provide advice on all medical aspects of the eye bank operations to ensure RMLEB operates in compliance with Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) medical standards and other regulatory agencies such as the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). The medical directors are ophthalmologists who have completed a corneal fellowship or have demonstrated expertise in external eye disease, corneal surgery, research, or teaching in cornea and/or external disease.
The board of directors consists of the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and several director roles. They represent the Lions of Colorado and Wyoming. Lions are champions of vision-related causes worldwide and major supporters of the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank.
To contact any member of our team, please send us an email.