

Ripple Effect Program

We exist to restore hope when hope may have been lost.

The Ripple Effect Program honors the eye tissue donor and their family for the gift(s) they gave to help another in need. The Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank (RMLEB) recognizes and honors a family's decision to give the gift of sight during a distressing time of grief.

Hope Stones

Hope Stones are soft, polished stones engraved with the word "Hopeto hold space for the donor family's loved one who donated. The stone gives a home to their memory and donation made possible by saying 'yes' to being a donor.

The RMLEB has gratitude for each eye tissue donor and their family. We honor their selfless donation decision by sending this small token of hope, a Hope Stone, with each outcome letter, sharing how one small act has a ripple effect on the greater world.

With the Hope Stone, each donor family can hold a solid, physical representation of their loved one's donation legacy. Just like a stone dropped into a pond, giving the gift of donation creates an ever widening ripple effect on the world around us. 

"While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary."

~ Matt Bevin


For questions or to contact us about this program, please email the Community & Professional Relations Team at info@corneas.org.